
Showing posts from September, 2018

Colorado Crossing

Colorado Crossing was a great two day race event.   I talked several people into running the races with me, so on day one, I ran with a group of friends that stayed together for most of the race.    We got to cross the Colorado River twice each day.   Originally, this was supposed to be in a boat but low water made this a foot crossing.    The course was fun, with some hills early and plenty of mud.   We had a few patches where the mud was ankle deep and the puddles were as wide as the tree lined path.   There were some steep down hills, too. PC: StasulliPhoto PC: StasulliPhoto I gave up trying to keep myself clean and dry pretty early in the race, as did most of our group.   The first aid station was manned by a few friends that we knew.   Volunteers at TROT races are always great but it’s extra fun to see folks you know. As we neared the river, some runners from a longer distance race caught up to us and we chatted about the river crossing