The Franklin Mountains Trail Run

I signed up to do the Franklin Mountains Trail Run series over the summer and it was one of the races I have been looking most forward to all year. It would be just the second time I ran over a course that had tough climbs and significant elevation changes. Bryce Canyon over the summer was a tough course but I ran it as a dedication run where I stopped every mile and recorded a short video to dedicate that mile to a person or story that was shared to me. After my DNF at Mission Tejas just two weeks earlier, I was a bit nervous. Not only would I be running another 50k, over a much harder course, I was sandwiching it between two more tough races in the same park. I was still excited to run it, though, and I was feeling good going into the weekend. Originally, I planned to fly out, get a rental car, and stay in a hotel but I asked on Facebook if anyone was planning to drive out from our area to see if there was a carpool option and luck...