
Showing posts from December, 2018

2018 in Running Review

I’m sitting in a hotel room on New Year’s Eve getting ready to go to bed early.   Tomorrow I’ll start 2019 off the same way I started the last two years, at the Texas Marathon.   This will be my second year in a row running the full marathon.    The starter piece to my personal body armor set! Before I start with the running year in review, I do want to write briefly about the people that came into my life in 2018.   I met many new people this year and strengthened my relationships with so many amazing friends.   It’s hard to quantify what an impact they had on my life.   Every single achievement I had this year, they were there to encourage, support, and help me.   Every time I failed, they were there to help me learn and grow.   Every step I detail below, and so many more, they were there to share the journey with me and I love them all for it. 2018 was a great year for me.   I called it the year of the ultra because I planned to run my first ultramarathon and