
Showing posts from March, 2019

Crazy Desert Trail Race – Half Marathon and Aid Station

Last year, I didn’t run the Crazy Desert Trail Race.   I volunteered for two shifts at an aid station, instead, and had an amazing time meeting fellow runners, both working at the aid station and running the race.   This year, I decided to do both and signed up for the half marathon and one shift at the same aid station as last year, Dinosaur Aid Station. All smiles before the race I got up early Saturday morning and made the drive out to San Angelo State Park.   I had hoped to get there before the start of the 100k so I could see the runners start but I missed it by about 10 minutes.   I pulled into the first available parking space and immediately saw I was parked right next to my running partner from Lone Star 100k.   We caught up for a few minutes.   She told me about her time out at the Jackalope Jam two weeks earlier and I talked about the Cowtown Marathon.   She was set to run the 50k, so I went to get my packet while she prepared to start her race. Throwin

The Cowtown Marathon Weekend

One year ago, I completed my first ultra-marathon. Flat Chip ready to go! A friend of mine recommended the Cowtown Marathon as being well supported event and great experience that was a lot of fun.   I wanted to run my first ultra and I thought a road 50k was a good chance to get that done. A year later, my second Cowtown 50k was my 7 th ultra.   It was also my second in two weeks. This year I got to serve as an ambassador for the Cowtown Marathon and it has been an amazing experience.   I applied last summer and was pleasantly surprised when I was selected.   I’d have shared my experiences with the race and tried to get people to come run it with me even if I hadn’t been selected, because that’s just what I do.   The Cowtown Marathon is my favorite road race of the year.   The event is very well run and organized and the city turns out to celebrate the runners to such a degree that I’ve never seen in any other race.  Several friends did sign up for the race